Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Night With Sue

Last week I was lucky enough to spend some time with Sue up on Lake St. Catherine in Vermont. There is never a dull moment while spending time with her. We laugh, we cry, we drink wine and work. The first night that I was there one whole side of the lake lost power. Lights out at 9:45 pm! I spent some time feeling my way around the cottage looking for a flashlight and found matches instead, then I remembered I saw candles earlier in the day--only where!?!?!?! Found them, then the wine and we were good to go-- however, 10 mins later the lights came on again.

***As a side note a blackberry phone is not the greatest source of light to find anything!!!
So with no power the first night should mean that night #2 should be uneventful...not with Ms. Sue!!! Here is my e-mail to some people that I knew wouldn't believe me when I told them about my whole ordeal, but the timestamp I figured would give me some pull, plus anyone that knows Sue would have to believe me.

It's 2:18 am and you won't believe what Sue has me doing...
Please be seated while reading this--if not you may fall over laughing! So I am going to bed about 12:30 am--Sue is already in her room asleep. I finally get to sleep after tossing and turning for a little while. Then I hear, "April, oh my gosh, April, oh my gosh!" I ask if everything is alright and that is when Sue tells me that she just turned the light on in her bedroom and there staring at her is a skunk! Yup, there is a skunk in the house and it just came out of Gwen's bedroom (which is right next to both of our rooms). Yup, you can guess what happened next--I broke into full on chicken mode over having this stupid skunk in the house and ruining my good night sleep.

Sue then informs me--while carrying a pillow to protect herself from this skunk, that it walked down the hall and it looks like it went into the living area! So with just a pillow carried by Sue and both of us in our pj's we take off down the hall like some of the great detectives; Holmes and Watson, Gibbs and McGee...Laurel and Hardy, just to name a few!!! We get to the end of the hall and I see out weapons of choice that will be sure to protect us from this sinister skunk...wait for umbrellas! Yes I know a complete Rocket Scientist, but what do you expect from me in a major crisis!!!

Anyways, back to our bravery...we searched the living room, looked behind everything and under everything else. We searched the kitchen, just in case it came in for a midnight snack and Sue opened the kitchen door to get outside to open the porch door...wanted to make sure that the skunk wasn't waiting to out on the other side---finally the porch was cleared for entry from this terrorist intruder! We found NOTHING!!!!

"Don't skunks have the ability to climb stairs???" I asked Sue. Next thing I know Sue with her pillow and I with my umbrella made our treacherous climb up Everest. Let me tell you our palms were sweaty and our knees were a clinking--there are no doors upstairs only curtains in the doorways. That way it was easy access for us to search, but for the skunk to spray us...what a great thought going into this scary mission. We scoured the area and again found nothing!!! After the search our only concern was why there was a Have-A-Heart trap in an upstairs bedroom?!?!!?

At 2:05 am the two of us dragged the trap down the steep stairs and onto the porch. We secured in with some lovely fixings for our new house guest, if he decides to stay the night we will all have a nice morning hike around the lake---just the 3 of us!

I should conclude this with some information about that night--

No we never found the skunk!
Yes the stupid thing had his little snack of fresh veggies, but never set off the trap!
Yes I only had 4 hours of sleep!
Finally, no skunks or individuals were hurt in the creating of this real life experience!!
Oh and after all this bonding with the skunk...I have decided to call him Joe!

After our attempt at playing Rescue 911 with the skunk I believe the above photo of the skunk sticking it's tongue out is the perfect way to explain:
Joe the Skunk-1

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