Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Wedding To End All Weddings!

On Saturday, August 21, 2010 my beautiful cousin, Stephanie, married Chris Shank (aka Shank). Now for the longest time we never knew Chris's name was Chris--Stephanie ALWAYS referred to him as Shank. So it came as a surprise when she told us his first name. At first thought some of the family members gasped for air as flash backs started to develop in our heads...Steph's ex-loser-boyfriend was named Chris and we were dreading having a repeat performance (the good thought was if he was anything like his predecessor, he wouldn't be around long at all).
However, to our happy surprise Shank was NOTHING like the prior. Here was a guy that came into our family with a running start...he was calling our grandmother Nana like the rest of us. He was laughing and joking around with the cousins (we are a tough crowd) and he even got along with our Uncle Doug (who is a tougher crowd). From the beginning Shank fit in. Even better--Stephanie was happy!
***On a side note*** I don't want to paint the picture that Shank is the hero that came in and saved our family from ourselves, but in all honesty HE is! He has taken it upon himself to settle the years of fighting between all the grandkids on who is Nana's favorite...Shank has singlehandedly declared HIMSELF our Nana's favorite. Now not to go into great details, but a few of us grandkids (ok, ALL 6 of us) have decided to question the validity of this!!! Judge Judy may need to be called in!
On a serious note, over the last few years we all have gotten to know Chris by spending a lot of time with him. You know Stephanie found a keeper when he would come up to Nana's for "family lunch Sunday's" when Stephanie wasn't around or had to work. It was like he has been a part of our family forever! Now there are only two reasons for him voluntarily spending all of this time with the crazy lot of us--A) he was either nuts or B) he loved Stephanie. Come to find out it was BOTH!!!
Now it didn't surprise us when Chris proposed, even though he had threatened to delay it every time the topic of "marriage" was brought up. The entire family knew that Stephanie would be persistant and Shank would grow weaker and weaker--hey what can I tell ya she's a Wright and we don't know how to back down when we find something we want.

Now I know I have been speaking a lot about Shank and what a great guy he is and all of that stuff. I haven't forgotten about Stephanie, it is just difficult to put into words what Stephanie is really like. From people on the outside she is beautiful, fun, energetic, and just alway a happy person. But for those that know and love her she is so much more. Yes, she is all that I described above, but the words sensitive, loving, caring, compassionate and smart are just a few others. Stephanie ALWAYS sees the best in people and is willing to give them a chance time and time again. She has a heart as big as this world! (love you Steph!)

So on August 21st when my Uncle Don gave away his eldest daughter.There was a part of all of us that was sad, but we were more overjoyed with the beauty and grace that Stephanie had walking down the eisle.
To say Stepahnie was a beautiful bride is an understatement. She looked gorgeous all dressed up and ready to spend the rest of her life with the man standing at the alter. Ok, I will give Shank some props too--he looked handsome in his white tux but, as anyone who has ever been to a wedding before--it is all about the babe in the gown! A traditional church wedding it was not, but I would expect nothing less from these two. They are both unique individuals and that showed during the ceremony. Through the readings, song and vows the ceremony proved to be a great chance to show this to the people gathered to witness this happy occassion. With a beautiful reception that followed Stephanie and Chris had spent their night dancing and celebrating with the rest of their family and friends.
I think the one thing that I would like to say to Steph and Shank is to always remember how much you loved each other on that day. That there will be some potholes in the road ahead, but you are going to be able to make it through and do anything you put your mind and heart to because you have your bestfriend in your corner. Oh and never let the music end...

Lots of love to you both,


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