Sunday, June 13, 2010

A Night At the Museum

So the technical "Day 1" of my unemployment went surprisingly well! After Friday night being taken out by my friend to relax and have fun, I spent Saturday transfixed on all the tasks at lists...lots and lots of lists. I need to get so many things done around my house that I have a feeling that the list is going to keep growing by the day! An example would be how much I hate walking on my kitchen floor barefoot because it is dirty and nasty! NEED TO WASH FLOORS ASAP!!!!

After a full day of contemplating my next move, I had volunteered to help a friend at an art museum Gala. It was a great time, with the exception of all the rain and cold. I drove people around the grounds for 5 hours in the rain on this cool 6 person golf cart! I know you are all very jealous! Yes I was a chauffeur last night, but how many places can you drive "upper class" people around and listen to them talk about Napoleon's penis and how it was cut off and preserved?!?!!? Come on I even got a giggle out of this one. Which would explain why he always looked miserable in his pictures!

So after that event a hot shower and some food was in order! The hot shower most of all. Didn't have the energy to make dinner but had an ice cream bar and curled up in bed to watch "Sense and Sensibility" with Hugh Grant and Kate Winslet and fell asleep. I feel asleep...what the heck is wrong with me not being able to stay up until all hours of the day/night when I have no schedule in front of me.

Well I am off to some events...I will fill you all in on them later I am sure. Some more exciting than others. Plus maybe some extra good never know.

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