Friday, September 10, 2010

The Secret Can FINALLY Be Revealed!

A few weeks ago I wrote a blog about this big secret I was keeping! I said that I would be able to tell everyone at the end of September--well that wasn't exactly true, I can say it now. So the question is what have I been up to?!?!?! Well it is 5:23 am and I am sitting in the Albany airport waiting to board my plane to Wisconsin! Yes, you did read it right I am on my way to Wisconsin. Now before Cindy gets too excited I am not going to Green Bay to protest the departure years ago of her love, Brett, I am heading out today to surprise my friend Jen for her birthday that was on the 5th of this month!

Now let me tell you this hasn't been the easiest secret to keep! On Monday Jen had started to get a little snoopy! Now I can't blame her for that--her mother has convinced her to take a day off of work because she had a birthday surprise for her. On Monday night I received a text from Jen saying that she had a feeling that her surprise had to deal with a person and that the person was me!!! Dang! Everything went through my head--do I tell her, do I lie to her, do I ignore the text?!?!?! I decided after a few moments of panic and searching to see if her mom was online I would just respond. I told her that I would love to see her (which I would), that I ws unemployed and had a lot of bills (which I am and do) and that I didn't have cash for a plane ticket (true as well)-- now see I didn't lie to her!

Cathy (her wonderful mother) IM'd me last night and said Jen was spending the night at her house and would I like her to bring her to the airport or surprise her when we get back to her house--knowing how much Jen LOVES surprises (saracasm 101) I decided that Jen should sweat out her surprise a little longer and wait until we got back to Cathy's house. Come on what type of friend would I be if she showed up at the airport to see me when I can torture her an extra hour :) . I figure it is only right after her post on Facebook last night and I quote, "Tomorrow is the day of my so-called big surprise...this better be good, it's been driving me insane for!!" Well I hope it is good because keeping this from her is killing ME!!!!

So the question I have been asked a lot when I have told people about my trip was-- How do you know Jen? Jen was part of my most EXCELLENT Ireland trip a few years ago. She was one of the two Jen's and just an awesome person. I have been lucky enough to stay in contact with her since we departed from the Jury's Inn at Christchurch where we shared a love for men with an Irish accent, Guinness, Jamesons, that woman that was from there originally and Leo Burdock's ontop of other things! The below picture is of the group of us with a sample of the greatest beer on earth! I should add that this was after all of us (minus Jen's mom because she was a good girl) stayed out until 2 am drinking with our tour guide and that hot guy from the hotel bar! :) Please excuse the still drunk look that some of us are sporting!

(Front: me, Cathy, Jen Back: Jen and Josh)

So I just landed in Cleveland and am waiting at my gate. Departure is in 32 minutes and I can't wait!!! It means my travel on the planes are almost done for the day! I am not to fond of small planes and I was just on a 58 seat plane--the only good thing was I was able to sleep for about 45 minutes. So while I have a quick stop in Cleveland I will then be off to Wisconsin! I find it only appropriate that I attach the bottom clip to honor Wisconsin!