Saturday, January 2, 2010

Jane Austen and The Death of Every Man Since Mr. Darcy

In my opinion Jane Austen has ruined the way I, as a romantic, view men! Now this hasn't come across my mind all of a sudden, it has been floating in the back of my mind along with movie lines, names of favorite books and that very useful algebra formula that Mr. Kelly my freshman year high school algebra teacher told us we would need to use in our everyday I digress! Now I am sure that I am not the only one out there that feels this way!

Jane, as I will refer to her because she seems like one of my best friends seeing that I have read her books every year, creates this character of Mr. Darcy and shows a man that is not only courteous but respectful. Now whether it is the love story between Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth or just the character of Mr. Darcy himself I am not sure.

Where did this romance start with me and Mr. Darcy??? I am not sure exactly! I can't remember if it started when I first read the book Pride and Prejudice years ago while still in high school. Or maybe it started when I first saw the BBC version of "Pride and Prejudice" while babysitting one night for a local family who didn't have cable. Whenever it was I have fallen hard. Mr. Darcy is the epitome of a romantic, classic, regal man!

I can say with confidence that the other characters in the book (besides Mr. Darcy and Lizzie) are rather interesting and relatable to every ones life. While I sit here I wonder if my bff Jane has really had this "characters" in her life? If Mrs. Bennett is anything like her mother? Does she have that crazy family member like Mr. Collins? Did she really love a man like Mr. Darcy?

While I sit here thinking of these characters I am going through my head and matching them with my family members. I think some of them match up pretty close, but if not to my family members to those of people I know. Now I won't come straight out and say that character A is family member C...come on I know better than that; so instead I will just give my brief run down of the characters and how I would characterize them.

Mrs. Bennett: All I think of is the Mother from Hell! She speaks what is on her mind, she does what she wants, she walks all over her husband and she is a drama queen.

Jane Bennett: The sheepish and mild mannered girl. The "great beauty" according to many but in almost all castings of these movies the girls is . . .well not so much a beauty.

Lydia Bennett: the easy sister!

Mr. Bennett: a man that was meant to have sons, but was stuck with all these women. Oh and dealing with the nightmare that is his wife... I am surprised that he didn't kill himself off in the first 20 pages of the book or volunteered to go off to war...because Jane is very fond of English war.

Mr. Collins: O think he is a preacher or something but he kind of reminds me of a person who should be starring in the play "Just Jack" (yes I am referencing Will & Grace)!

now the next two characters are what all women tend to look at:

Mr. Bingley: The nice guy, the one that you are just friends with. The one that is very nice. He could be your gay best friend. While you enjoy his company you really don't find him attractive in "that way" and he may not be attracted to you.

and last but not least

Mr. Wickham: The bad boy of the group. The one that your parents warn you about. The one that you would take into the supply closet and fool around with. Now he is dangerous and everyone wants him, but you shouldn't have him.

OK so now that I have gone over the characters I find that a lot of women are looking for their Mr. Darcy's. I mean who wouldn't want him. Strong, self-sufficient, honest, wealthy, and the hero in the end. No matter who you are looking for do you always compare him to "the one"? I know I do. While I don't do it on a great scale I look into the person and wonder if they have some of the characteristics that I am looking for. 9 times out of 10 they DON'T! Oh well keep looking for my Mr. Darcy.

You know that I am right about this. That Jane did ruin the way women look at men and the way we try to have both our Mr. Wickhams and our Mr. Darcy's in the same line. Jane has become such a powerful source of love and romance that I can't even count how many versions of "Pride and Prejudice" have been made.

Did you know that Bridget Jone's Diary is based on Pride and Prejudice? It is Mark Darcy...Daniel Cleaver (aka Mr. Wickham). Who gets the girl??? That's right....Mark Darcy. Even Bollywood has their version called "Bride and Prejudice". The guy from Lost, I can't remember his name, plays the Mr. Bingley character. Then in that version too Mr. Darcy gets the girl.

Well thanks to Jane Austen all of us hopeful romantics will be searching for our very own Mr. Darcy's. So a hint for all you guys that date or want to date a romantic woman...maybe try picking up a Jane Austen book. Give a look into Mr. Darcy and see why Lizzie loves him so. But I still think that Jane Austen was the reason for the "ideal" of a msn since the creation of Mr. Darcy.